Every child has a right to feel confident and calm in their brain and body.

A child deserves to thrive. By building a strong neurological and physical foundation, a child is provided with the opportunity explore, play and learn. I combine my Occupational Therapy background with Polyvagal Informed Care to provide the best possible treatment plan for your child and your family.

When a child’s nervous system is in a sympathetic or shutdown state, everyday life can be extremely challenging. The Safe and Sound Protocol is an evidence-based listening therapy designed improve behavioral state regulation, auditory processing skills and social engagement by stimulating the vagus nerve through filtered music.

Remote Deliver of SSP + Parent coaching

The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) can help your child connect with the world in a more meaningful and enjoyable way. I supervise the delivery of SSP in addition to providing parental support and education.

When the nervous system is immature or any part of the brain is underdeveloped, it leads to poor communication within the brain and disintegration between hemispheres. Areas impacted include physical strength and coordination, balance, sensory processing, emotional regulation and cognitive/executive functioning skills. Children with retained primitive reflexes (indicating immaturity in the brain) may present with some of these difficulties.

In-home Pediatric Package

I focus on building a solid neurological foundation by combining sound therapy, neurodevelopmental exercises, rhythmic movements (and fun!), proven effective in improving motor coordination, strength, learning and behavior.